Hello, I'm Kulbir Singh Ahluwalia

I’m Kulbir Singh Ahluwalia, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I am committed to developing autonomous robotic systems that address real-world challenges. My research explores natural language grounding for mobile field robot navigation in dynamic environments under the guidance of Girish Chowdhary and Julia Hockenmaier. During my Master’s in Robotics from the University of Maryland, I was fortunate to work with Pratap Tokekar and Ryan Williams on Pasture Monitoring in Simulated Environments. Besides working on my research, I enjoy working out, meditating and fine-tuning my solar-powered setup.


Active Semantic Mapping with Mobile Manipulator in Horticultural Environments

Active Semantic Mapping with Mobile Manipulator in Horticultural Environments

We introduce an efficient active semantic mapping approach for horticultural robotics, using a mobile manipulator with an RGB-D camera. Probabilistic semantic octomaps are used to detect target regions of interest such as fruits, generate candidate viewpoints, and compute information gain for next-best-view planning. An efficient ray-casting strategy and a novel information gain function accounting for semantics and occlusions is introduced for efficient target-focused map exploration.

Plant Placement using Natural Language Grounding

Plant Placement using Natural Language Grounding

AIFARMS Conference (Fall 2023) Conference Poster

This poster presents a text-enabled FarmBot system that enables users to control a robotic gardening FarmBot system via natural language. Using a custom Python wrapper built on the FarmBot REST API, natural language commands are grounded using real-time robot state and translated into executable code with a fine-tuned CodeT5 model. The system generates valid plant placement configurations that satisfy natural language defined spatial constraints.

DeepPaSTL: Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Methods for Predicting Long-Term Pasture Terrains Using Synthetic Datasets

DeepPaSTL: Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Methods for Predicting Long-Term Pasture Terrains Using Synthetic Datasets

Published in Agronomy 2021 (Special Issue AI and Agricultural Robots) Conference Paper

DeepPaSTL aims to accurately forecast long-term pasture growth, tackling the challenge of estimating pasture biomass without relying on extensive site-specific data or frequent field measurements. This approach enables predicting pasture evolution without monitoring fields regularly, using past observed pasture heights as input. DeepPaSTL introduces a bi-directional ConvLSTM encoder–decoder to learn the spatio-temporal pasture growth dynamics purely from spatial height measurements.

Intermittent Deployment for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Forage Perception: Data Synthesis, Prediction, and Planning

Intermittent Deployment for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Forage Perception: Data Synthesis, Prediction, and Planning

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021 Journal Paper

Targets large-scale pasture monitoring for precision agriculture, deploying a team of robots to track grassland growth for optimal rotational grazing and land productivity, addressing the lack of timely growth data in current practice. Proposes an integrated pipeline combining synthetic data generation, deep neural network-based spatiotemporal prediction, and an intermittent multi-robot deployment strategy to periodically survey evolving pastureland at low cost.​

Active Semantic Mapping with Mobile Manipulator in Horticultural Environments

Active Semantic Mapping with Mobile Manipulator in Horticultural Environments

ICRA@40, 2024 Abstract

An abstract accepted at the 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40), 2024.

Smartphone Optical Sensors

Smartphone Optical Sensors

Simarjeet S Saini, Aneesh Sridhar, Kulbir Ahluwalia
Optics and Photonics News, 2019 Featured Article

An article featuring the multispectral Fundus Eye camera prototype, as presented in Optics and Photonics News.

Reinforcement Learning Integrated with Supervised Learning for Training of Near Infrared Spectrum Data for Non-Destructive Testing of Fruits

Reinforcement Learning Integrated with Supervised Learning for Training of Near Infrared Spectrum Data for Non-Destructive Testing of Fruits

Yuqi Li, Kulbir Ahluwalia, Simarjeet S Saini
Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XII, 2020 Conference Presentation

A conference presentation on combining reinforcement and supervised learning for non-destructive testing of fruits using near infrared spectrum data.


Teaching Assistant - CS444: Deep Learning for Computer Vision

University of Illinois, Jan 2024 - May 2024, Jan 2025 - Present

Instructor: Dr. Svetlana Lazebnik
• Updated and verified starter code for assignments, and answered student questions during office hours and through Campuswire.
• Assessed student submissions via SpeedGrader on Canvas, and designed multimodal quiz questions, including single- choice, multiple-choice, and matching formats.


VAE and GAN implementation

VAE and GAN implementation

March 2023

Implemented VAE & GAN for digit generation task.

RESNet implementation

RESNet implementation

Feb 2023

Implemented RESNet for classification task on MNIST dataset.

Autonomous Vaccine Delivery Robot

Autonomous Vaccine Delivery Robot

May 2021

Designed an autonomous robot capable of navigating and localizing itself in a test arena using QR codes and arrows. It uses a RGB camera, IMU, optical encoders, and an ultrasonic sensor to detect, retrieve and transport user-specified blocks. Featured video, Robot videos, Featured post

Image segmentation using superpixels

Image segmentation using superpixels

Dec 2020

Built a segmentation network using SLIC superpixels as input. A pretrained VGG16 network had its last layers replaced by fully connected layers to classify superpixels. (Accuracy 98%)

Optimized a GestureGAN for resource constrained settings

Optimized a GestureGAN for resource constrained settings

Dec 2020

Used MobileNet to optimize cross-view image generation with a 5.7X reduction in parameters.

Self-adjusting roadmaps

Self-adjusting roadmaps

May 2020

Navigation in unknown environments using LD-PRM.

AR-Tag detection

AR-Tag detection

March 2020

Superimposed an image and virtual cube on an AR tag.

Baxter transporting cubes in Gazebo

Baxter transporting cubes in Gazebo

April 2020

Simulated a Baxter robot transporting cubes between tables in Gazebo using ROS Kinetic. Waypoints were generated using Rviz and obstacles were avoided in the custom-designed Gazebo world.

Implemented A star algorithm for Path Planning on Turtlebot 3

Implemented A star algorithm for Path Planning on Turtlebot 3

May 2020

Implemented the A* algorithm in a configuration space with obstacles. The Turtlebot 3 obeys non-holonomic constraints with 8 combinations of two user-defined RPMs.

Lane detection and Turn prediction for self driving car

Lane detection and Turn prediction for self driving car

March 2020

Developed an algorithm using hough transform and histogram of lanes. Also implemented homography and warp perspective functions from scratch for overlays.

Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC) 2019

Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC) 2019

May 2020

Developed an industrial system with UR 10 robotic arms, conveyor belts, and AGVs. The system picked parts from a conveyor, disposed faulty items, assembled orders, and delivered them using AGVs.

Modelled a UR 5 arm with Parallel Gripper in Rviz

Modelled a UR 5 arm with Parallel Gripper in Rviz

Sep-Dec 2019

Simulated a 7 DOF UR5 arm using Moveit and Rviz. Calculated DH parameters and computed forward kinematics manually, verified via Peter Corke’s Robotics toolbox. Simulation videos

Designed a LQR and LQG controller

Designed a LQR and LQG controller

Dec 2019

Developed controllers for two inverted pendulums on a moving cart.

Teleoperated gesture controlled robotic arm

Teleoperated gesture controlled robotic arm

Aug 2018-May 2019

Engineered a prototype to transport objects between rooms via web-based remote access with live video and gesture control. The robot featured on-board power, a custom LED light source for low-light navigation, smart device control, and a speaker for prerecorded messages.

Pick n place transporter bot

Pick n place transporter bot

Aug-Dec 2016

Awarded First Prize in IIT Roorkee and placed 6th out of 400 teams at IIT Bombay. Video 1 Video 2

Smart Garden

Smart Garden

March 2017

Won First Prize in the Texas Instruments Hardware Hackathon.


First prize in B.Tech. Major Project, 2019

First prize in B.Tech. Major Project, 2019

Kulbir Ahluwalia, Akash Sharma, Garvit Periwal
Punjab Engineering College

First prize in final year MAJOR PROJECT in the B.Tech. Examination of Electrical Engineering, 2015-19 titled Teleoperated Gesture controlled Robotic arm.

Certificate of Appreciation, (2017,2018)

Certificate of Appreciation, (2017,2018)

IEEE, Punjab Engineering College

Received certificate of appreciation for contributions to IEEE PEC (2017,2018).

National Bal Shree Award, 2011

National Bal Shree Award, 2011

National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi, India

Awarded with the National Bal Shree Award in Creative Scientific Innovations by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. It consisted of a series of scientific hands-on tests and interviews at city, zonal and national level.

Talk is cheap. Show me the code. Show me the results.- Linus Torvalds, Shivansh Patel